Svetlana Signification et Origine
Svetlana est un prénom Russian qui signifie The name Svetlana is derived from the Russian word for "light," "свет." The name may also be associated with the Slavic goddess of the sun, Svetovid..
Svetlana est un nom qui a été utilisé par les parents qui envisagent des noms de bébés fille .
Svetlana est actuellement n #0 es tableaux de popularité des noms de bébé aux La France en 2022.
Les personnes célèbres nommées Svetlana sont Svetlana Abrosimova, Svetlana Kuznetsova.
Svetlana est un nom de 8 lettres avec 3 syllabes.
Svetlana signification du prénom
The name Svetlana is derived from the Russian word for "light," "свет." The name may also be associated with the Slavic goddess of the sun, Svetovid.
Svetlana origine du prénom
In 2018, 100% of babies named Svetlana were girls
Popularité des prénoms au fil du temps en France
Popularité des prénoms au fil du temps au Canada
Prénoms de célebrités Svetlana
Svetlana Abrosimova (Basketball)
Svetlana Kuznetsova (Tennis)
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Svetlana - FAQ
What is the meaning of the name Svetlana?
The meaning of the name Svetlana is The name Svetlana is derived from the Russian word for "light," "свет." The name may also be associated with the Slavic goddess of the sun, Svetovid..
What is the origin of the name Svetlana?
The origin of the name Svetlana is Russian .
Is Svetlana a girl or boy name?
The name Svetlana is a feminine name. According to our statistics, 0.00% of babies called Svetlana were boys, 100.00% of babies called Svetlana were girls.
What is the popularity of the name Svetlana?
According to statistics, Svetlana is ranked 0th most popular fille name in the US, in 2018.