Pete Meaning and Origin
Pete is English given name meaning Pete is a diminutive form of the name Peter, which is derived from the Greek word for "rock" or "stone"..
Pete is a name that's been used by parents who are considering boy baby names.
Pete is currently #2538 on the baby names popularity charts in the U.S. in 2022.
Famous people named Pete are Pete Dexter, Pete Hamill, Pete Allen.
Pete is a 4 letters name with 1 syllables.
Pete name meaning
Pete is a diminutive form of the name Peter, which is derived from the Greek word for "rock" or "stone".
Pete name origin
Pete is ranked #2538 most popular baby boy name in 2022
Gender chart
In 2022, 100% of babies named Pete were boys
Name popularity in the US
Name popularity in Canada
Celebrities named Pete
Pete Dexter (Literature)
Pete Hamill (Literature)
Pete Allen (Baseball)
Pete Browning (Baseball)
Pete Cassidy (Baseball)
Pete Conway (Baseball)
Pete Cregan (Baseball)
Pete Daniels (Baseball)
Pete Donnelly (Baseball)
Pete Dowling (Baseball)
Pete Fries (Baseball)
Pete Galligan (Baseball)
Pete Gilbert (Baseball)
Pete Hasney (Baseball)
Pete Hotaling (Baseball)
Pete Lohman (Baseball)
Pete McBride (Baseball)
Pete McShannic (Baseball)
Pete Meegan (Baseball)
Pete O'Brien (Baseball)
Pete Sommers (Baseball)
Pete Sweeney (Baseball)
Pete Treacey (Baseball)
Pete Weckbecker (Baseball)
Pete Wood (Baseball)
Pete Woodruff (Baseball)
Pete OBrien (Baseball)
Pete Herman (Boxer)
Pete Podgorski (Boxer)
Pete Rademacher (Boxer)
Pete Ranzany (Boxer)
Pete Sampras (Tennis)
Pete Barnes (Sport)
Pete Beathard (Sport)
Pete Davidson (Sport)
Pete Duranko (Sport)
Pete Gogolak (Sport)
Pete Hart (Sport)
Pete Jaquess (Sport)
Pete Johns (Sport)
Pete Lammons (Sport)
Pete Mangum (Sport)
Pete Mikolajewski (Sport)
Pete Mills (Sport)
Pete Nicklas (Sport)
Pete Perreault (Sport)
Pete Richardson (Sport)
Pete Schenck (Sport)
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Pete - FAQ
What is the meaning of the name Pete?
The meaning of the name Pete is Pete is a diminutive form of the name Peter, which is derived from the Greek word for "rock" or "stone"..
What is the origin of the name Pete?
The origin of the name Pete is English .
Is Pete a girl or boy name?
The name Pete is a masculine name. According to our statistics, 100.00% of babies called Pete were boys, 0.00% of babies called Pete were girls.
What is the popularity of the name Pete?
According to statistics, Pete is ranked 2538th most popular boy name in the US, in 2022.
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