Leander Meaning and Origin
Leander is English, Greek given name meaning Leander is a name derived from the Greek mythological character Leander, a young man who fell in love with the priestess Hero. Leander would swim every night across the Hellespont to meet Hero, until one night he was drowned when a storm swept him away..
Leander is a name that's been used by parents who are considering boy baby names.
Leander is currently #1602 on the baby names popularity charts in the U.S. in 2022.
Famous people named Leander are Leander Paes, Leander.
Leander is a 7 letters name with 3 syllables.

Leander name meaning
Leander is a name derived from the Greek mythological character Leander, a young man who fell in love with the priestess Hero. Leander would swim every night across the Hellespont to meet Hero, until one night he was drowned when a storm swept him away.
Leander is ranked #1602 most popular baby boy name in 2022