Dana Meaning and Origin
Dana is English, Irish given name meaning Dana is a name that has many different origins and meanings. One meaning of the name Dana is "from Denmark", which would indicate that the person with this name is of Danish descent. Another meaning of Dana is "God is my judge", which would indicate that the person is religious..
Dana is a name that's been used by parents who are considering girl baby names.
Dana is currently #1020 on the baby names popularity charts in the U.S. in 2022.
Famous people named Dana are Dana Alikhani, Dana Suesse.
Dana is a 4 letters name with 2 syllables.

Dana name meaning
Dana is a name that has many different origins and meanings. One meaning of the name Dana is "from Denmark", which would indicate that the person with this name is of Danish descent. Another meaning of Dana is "God is my judge", which would indicate that the person is religious.
Gender chart
In 2022, 93% of babies named Dana were girls