Charles Meaning and Origin
Charles is English, French given name meaning Charles is a masculine given name from the French form Charles of a Germanic name Karl. The original Anglo-Saxon was Ċearl or Ċeorl, as the name of King Cearl of Mercia, that disappeared after the Norman conquest of England..
Charles is a name that's been used by parents who are considering boy baby names.
Charles is currently #50 on the baby names popularity charts in the U.S. in 2022.
Famous people named Charles are Charles Johnson, Charles Bierman, Charles Comiskey.
Charles is a 7 letters name with 1 syllables.

Charles name meaning
Charles is a masculine given name from the French form Charles of a Germanic name Karl. The original Anglo-Saxon was Ċearl or Ċeorl, as the name of King Cearl of Mercia, that disappeared after the Norman conquest of England.
Charles is ranked #50 most popular baby boy name in 2022