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Bob Meaning and Origin

Bob is a name that's been used by parents who are considering boy baby names.

Bob is currently #12543 on the baby names popularity charts in the U.S. in 2022.

Famous people named Bob are Bob Marley, Bob Dylan, Bob Addy.

Bob is a 3 letters name with 1 syllables.

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Bob name meaning

The name "Bob" is a diminutive form of the name "Robert". It can also be used as a standalone name.

Name facts

3 letter name and 1 syllables

Gender chart

In 2022, 100% of babies named Bob were boys

Name popularity in the US

This graph illustrates how many babies were named Bob in the US

Name popularity in Canada

This graph illustrates how many babies were named Bob in Canada

Celebrities named Bob

Bob Marley (Music)
Bob Dylan (Music)
Bob Addy (Baseball)
Bob Allen (Baseball)
Bob Barr (Baseball)
Bob Becker (Baseball)
Bob Black (Baseball)
Bob Blakiston (Baseball)
Bob Caruthers (Baseball)
Bob Casey (Baseball)
Bob Clark (Baseball)
Bob Emslie (Baseball)
Bob Ferguson (Baseball)
Bob Gamble (Baseball)
Bob Gilks (Baseball)
Bob Glenalvin (Baseball)
Bob Keating (Baseball)
Bob Langsford (Baseball)
Bob McHale (Baseball)
Bob Miller (Baseball)
Bob Murphy (Boxer)
Bob Pettit (Basketball)
Bob Reach (Baseball)
Bob Valentine (Baseball)
Bob Wood (Baseball)
Bob Quick (Basketball)
Bob Lanier (Basketball)
Bob Baker (Boxer)
Bob Fitzsimmons (Boxer)
Bob Foster (Boxer)
Bob Martin (Boxer)
Bob Montgomery (Boxer)
Bob Giltinan (Tennis)
Bob Hewitt (Tennis)
Bob Lutz (Tennis)
Bob Barrett (Sport)
Bob Breitenstein (Sport)
Bob Briggs (Sport)
Bob Brodhead (Sport)
Bob Brooks (Sport)
Bob Bruggers (Sport)
Bob Bryant (Sport)
Bob Butler (Sport)
Bob Cappadona (Sport)
Bob Coolbaugh (Sport)
Bob Davis (Sport)
Bob Dee (Sport)
Bob Dougherty (Sport)
Bob Evans (Sport)
Bob Gaiters (Sport)
Bob Garner (Sport)
Bob Gladieux (Sport)
Bob Griese (Sport)
Bob Heinz (Sport)
Bob Horton (Sport)
Bob Hudson (Sport)
Bob Humphreys (Sport)
Bob Jackson (Sport)
Bob Johnson (Sport)
Bob Joswick (Sport)
Bob Kelly (Sport)
Bob Keyes (Sport)
Bob Konovsky (Sport)
Bob Kruse (Sport)
Bob Laraba (Sport)
Bob Lee (Sport)
Bob Marques (Sport)
Bob McAdams (Sport)
Bob McCullough (Sport)
Bob McLeod (Sport)
Bob McNamara (Sport)
Bob Mischak (Sport)
Bob Neff (Sport)
Bob ONeil (Sport)
Bob Petrella (Sport)
Bob Petrich (Sport)
Bob Poole (Sport)
Bob Print (Sport)
Bob Reifsnyder (Sport)
Bob Renn (Sport)
Bob Richardson (Sport)
Bob Robertson (Sport)
Bob Rowley (Sport)
Bob Scarpitto (Sport)
Bob Schmidt (Sport)
Bob Schweikert (Sport)
Bob Scrabis (Sport)
Bob Sedlock (Sport)
Bob Smith (Sport)
Bob Soltis (Sport)
Bob Stein (Sport)
Bob Stransky (Sport)
Bob Suci (Sport)
Bob Svihus (Sport)
Bob Tatarek (Sport)
Bob Trumpy (Sport)
Bob Vaughan (Sport)
Bob Voight (Sport)
Bob Watters (Sport)
Bob Wells (Sport)
Bob Werl (Sport)
Bob White (Sport)
Bob Yates (Sport)
Bob Young (Sport)
Bob Zeman (Sport)
Bob Mackie (Fashion)
Bob Sinclar (Music)
Bob Denard (Royal)
Bob Chilcott ()

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Bob - FAQ

What is the meaning of the name Bob?
The meaning of the name Bob is The name "Bob" is a diminutive form of the name "Robert". It can also be used as a standalone name..
What is the origin of the name Bob?
The origin of the name Bob is .
Is Bob a girl or boy name?
The name Bob is a masculine name. According to our statistics, 100.00% of babies called Bob were boys, 0.00% of babies called Bob were girls.
What is the popularity of the name Bob?
According to statistics, Bob is ranked 12543th most popular boy name in the US, in 2022.
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