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Bill name meaning

a masculine name, typically a short form of William

Bill name origin


Name facts

4 letter name and 1 syllables


Bill is ranked #4084 most popular baby boy name in 2022

Gender chart

In 2022, 100% of babies named Bill were boys

Name popularity in the US

This graph illustrates how many babies were named Bill in the US

Name popularity in Canada

This graph illustrates how many babies were named Bill in Canada

Celebrities named Bill

Bill Withers (Music)
Bill Ahearn (Baseball)
Bill Allison (Baseball)
Bill Anderson (Baseball)
Bill Annis (Baseball)
Bill Barnes (Baseball)
Bill Barrett (Baseball)
Bill Bernhard (Baseball)
Bill Bishop (Baseball)
Bill Blair (Baseball)
Bill Bowman (Baseball)
Bill Boyd (Baseball)
Bill Bradley (Baseball)
Bill Burdick (Baseball)
Bill Butler (Baseball)
Bill Carrick (Baseball)
Bill Childers (Baseball)
Bill Clymer (Baseball)
Bill Collins (Baseball)
Bill Collver (Baseball)
Bill Conway (Baseball)
Bill Coughlin (Baseball)
Bill Coyle (Baseball)
Bill Craver (Baseball)
Bill Crowley (Baseball)
Bill Dahlen (Baseball)
Bill Daley (Baseball)
Bill Dammann (Baseball)
Bill Day (Baseball)
Bill Delaney (Baseball)
Bill Dinneen (Baseball)
Bill Donovan (Baseball)
Bill Dugan (Baseball)
Bill Duggleby (Baseball)
Bill Duzen (Baseball)
Bill Eagan (Baseball)
Bill Eagle (Baseball)
Bill Everitt (Baseball)
Bill Fagan (Baseball)
Bill Farmer (Baseball)
Bill Farrell (Baseball)
Bill Finley (Baseball)
Bill Fouser (Baseball)
Bill Fox (Baseball)
Bill French (Baseball)
Bill Gallagher (Baseball)
Bill Gardner (Baseball)
Bill Garfield (Baseball)
Bill Geiss (Baseball)
Bill George (Baseball)
Bill Gilbert (Baseball)
Bill Goodenough (Baseball)
Bill Greenwood (Baseball)
Bill Hague (Baseball)
Bill Hallman (Baseball)
Bill Harbridge (Baseball)
Bill Hart (Baseball)
Bill Hassamaer (Baseball)
Bill Hawes (Baseball)
Bill Hawke (Baseball)
Bill Higgins (Baseball)
Bill Hill (Baseball)
Bill Hoffer (Baseball)
Bill Holbert (Baseball)
Bill Hughes (Baseball)
Bill Hunter (Baseball)
Bill Husted (Baseball)
Bill Hutchinson (Baseball)
Bill Irwin (Baseball)
Bill Jones (Baseball)
Bill Joyce (Baseball)
Bill Keister (Baseball)
Bill Kelly (Baseball)
Bill Kemmer (Baseball)
Bill Kienzle (Baseball)
Bill Kissinger (Baseball)
Bill Kling (Baseball)
Bill Krieg (Baseball)
Bill Kuehne (Baseball)
Bill Lange (Baseball)
Bill Leith (Baseball)
Bill Lennon (Baseball)
Bill Loughran (Baseball)
Bill Magee (Baseball)
Bill Massey (Baseball)
Bill McCaffrey (Baseball)
Bill McCauley (Baseball)
Bill McClellan (Baseball)
Bill McCloskey (Baseball)
Bill McGunnigle (Baseball)
Bill Merritt (Baseball)
Bill Moran (Baseball)
Bill Mountjoy (Baseball)
Bill Nelson (Baseball)
Bill Niles (Baseball)
Bill Parks (Baseball)
Bill Pfann (Baseball)
Bill Phyle (Baseball)
Bill Price (Baseball)
Bill Quarles (Baseball)
Bill Reidy (Baseball)
Bill Rollinson (Baseball)
Bill Rotes (Baseball)
Bill Schenck (Baseball)
Bill Schwartz (Baseball)
Bill Smiley (Baseball)
Bill Sowders (Baseball)
Bill Stearns (Baseball)
Bill Stellberger (Baseball)
Bill Stemmyer (Baseball)
Bill Stuart (Baseball)
Bill Swarback (Baseball)
Bill Sweeney (Baseball)
Bill Tierney (Baseball)
Bill Tobin (Sport)
Bill Traffley (Baseball)
Bill Vinton (Baseball)
Bill Watkins (Baseball)
Bill White (Baseball)
Bill Whitrock (Baseball)
Bill Wilson (Baseball)
Bill Wise (Baseball)
Bill Wright (Baseball)
Bill Wynne (Baseball)
Bill Yeatman (Baseball)
Bill Yerrick (Baseball)
Bill Zies (Baseball)
Bill Laimbeer (Basketball)
Bill Russell (Basketball)
Bill Morgan (Baseball)
Bill Squires (Boxer)
Bill Johnston (Tennis)
Bill Scanlon (Tennis)
Bill Sidwell (Tennis)
Bill Talbert (Tennis)
Bill Tilden (Tennis)
Bill Atkins (Sport)
Bill Baird (Sport)
Bill Bergey (Sport)
Bill Brown (Sport)
Bill Budness (Sport)
Bill Cronin (Sport)
Bill Danenhauer (Sport)
Bill Darnall (Sport)
Bill Dawson (Sport)
Bill Diamond (Sport)
Bill Enyart (Sport)
Bill Fairband (Sport)
Bill Groman (Sport)
Bill Herchman (Sport)
Bill Hudson (Sport)
Bill Hull (Sport)
Bill Jessup (Sport)
Bill Keating (Sport)
Bill Kimber (Sport)
Bill Kindricks (Sport)
Bill Krisher (Sport)
Bill Larson (Sport)
Bill Laskey (Sport)
Bill Lenkaitis (Sport)
Bill Miller (Sport)
Bill Murphy (Sport)
Bill Pashe (Sport)
Bill Perkins (Sport)
Bill Peterson (Sport)
Bill Rademacher (Sport)
Bill Robinson (Sport)
Bill Roehnelt (Sport)
Bill Scott (Sport)
Bill Shockley (Sport)
Bill Staley (Sport)
Bill Stanfill (Sport)
Bill Striegel (Sport)
Bill Thompson (Sport)
Bill Wegener (Sport)
Bill Wood (Sport)
Bill Yearby (Sport)
Bill Yelverton (Sport)
Bill Blass (Fashion)
Bill Clinton (Royal)
Bill Hopkins ()
Bill Whelan ()

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Bill - FAQ

What is the meaning of the name Bill?
The meaning of the name Bill is a masculine name, typically a short form of William.
What is the origin of the name Bill?
The origin of the name Bill is English .
Is Bill a girl or boy name?
The name Bill is a masculine name. According to our statistics, 100.00% of babies called Bill were boys, 0.00% of babies called Bill were girls.
What is the popularity of the name Bill?
According to statistics, Bill is ranked 4084th most popular boy name in the US, in 2022.
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