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סימון Meaning and Origin
סימון is a name that's been used by parents who are considering boy baby names.
סימון is currently # on the baby names popularity charts in the U.S. in 2022.
Famous people named סימון are סימון אוגוסטוס, סימון אדוארדס.
סימון is a 5 letters name with syllables.
Name facts
5 letter nameCelebrities named סימון
סימון אוגוסטוס (Basketball)
סימון אדוארדס (Basketball)
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סימון - FAQ
What is the meaning of the name סימון?
The meaning of the name סימון is .
What is the origin of the name סימון?
The origin of the name סימון is .
Is סימון a girl or boy name?
The name סימון is a masculine name. According to our statistics, 0% of babies called סימון were boys, 0% of babies called סימון were girls.
What is the popularity of the name סימון?
According to statistics, סימון is ranked th most popular boy name in the US, in 2022.